Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thank You For Putting Up With Me, Lord!

Once again, Lord, I found myself whining late today. The day itself, as always, was a blessing. And it began well, and for that I thank you and gratefully so. I got to the one food pantry without any rain issues (yesterday's flooded intersections were a mess). Given the weight of produce bags and canned goods, I was beginning to feel a tad tired by the time I got things from the car into the house. But not overwhelmingly.

By Noon, I was hacking my little turkey and plopping half of it into a pot on the stove and half into the crockpot, so that I'd have several versions to freeze. That, too, wore me out a bit because of the standing at the sink. But, again, not overwhelmingly so. But it was beginning to add up.

When I went to make one of several phone calls I needed to make, the landline was "out." That happens at least once every year or so to me when the company's utility box across the street from me gets water in it. Usually it comes back on in a few hours. It's been "out" now since Noon. I didn't make my calls because I have a flip phone and it often disconnects on long "holds." Things were beginning to wear on me.

When the turkey pieces on the stove were done and I removed them, stood for a while to de-bone them, and wash up those dishes, I heard a drip, drip, drip under the sink. Okay - I'm not sure whether it's the disposal or one of the little pipes of incoming water, and I did need to put a towel under there. With the landline out, and how much I hate using the cell phone, I will try to call a guy in the morning.

I thought the crockpot pieces were done, carried it from the pantry to the kitchen and the meat thermometer disagreed. I carried it back. I really began whining then, I think. I was tired. I wanted to stop for the day. I wanted everything packed and frozen. I wanted all the dishes done. I wanted the dripping to stop. And I wanted my landline working.

So, what's wrong with this picture? Me. I was being silly and wishy-washy. I know all too many friends and friends of friends dealing with much more horrid situations. You, yourself, have bailed me out of much more troublesome times. So why am I so tired and so wimpy tonight?

Maybe I'm just getting old. But no matter the reason, thinking about the others in far worse situations helped me get through it.

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you for listening. Thank you for putting up with me. And thank you for always being there for this weak, wimpy mortal. I trust in you.

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