Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thankfully, October Almost Over - My "Sad" Month

Those of you who know me well know I am generally a cup-half-full person. If life tosses something at me, once the moment has passed, I take a deep breath and move along with whatever steps are needed to deal with situation.

October, however, is always a bit tougher for me these days. It's a month when 4 of my loved ones passed away. I usually can't wait until it is over. Memories surface. Moments get sad. 

The four who are always on my mind this month are:

My mother - loved my mom so very much. She passed away from a stomach aneurysm back in 1994, Oct. 9, the year I moved to Las Vegas. She put up with a lot when we were growing up but it never soured her.

My sister - my baby sis, younger than me by only 11 months, was like a friendly puppy, even with her occasional episodes from the schizophrenia and bipolar issues. She passed away in 2009, Oct. 13, from brain cancer, after four years in a low income level nursing home because of Parkinsons and diabetes complications.

My stepdad - this man helped my mom get over the years she suffered with my alcoholic dad, a laid back Glenn Ford type of guy, all country western, and he passed away in 1990, Oct. 29, from lung cancer.

Tigger - okay, Tigger might not qualify in some folks' eyes as a "loved one" but he surely was that, our only time with a boy cat, a gray tabby who was a real gentleman and loved everybody and was our little host, and passed on in 2012, Oct. 22.

Even though it is a sad month for me when these things come to mind, I am very very grateful that I have commitments to distract me and keep me from wallowing in sorrow and freezing in place. Life, and death, is what it is.
Rolling along...

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