Sunday, August 11, 2019

Keeping Things In Perspective

Sometimes I search my blog posts to look for something. Yesterday when I did that, I came across a post I wrote back in '16, and I thought a lot about it after I read it again. True, I'm still one "event" away from being in major financial trouble, but for now, I have been managing to keep afloat, thanks to the blessings the Lord has sent my way, in one form or another.

The post, link below, talks about a bible verse I read at that time. I really really need to read this post of mine, at least once a month - I need to keep my thoughts about that verse, in the front of my mind for when things get "iffy" and there's not a one of us who don't run into those times. I've just saved it and plopped the icon on my desktop so I can open it once a month.

So, without a big speech, here's the link, and I hope it helps you as much as it still helps me, a few years after I wrote it:

Sweet Lord Jesus, I'm not sure why I was guided to do that search and accidentally find that earlier post of mine, but I thank you. I realize how much it helps me keep things in perspective. And thank you for the technology which will help me save it where I can see it as often as I need to recall it.

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