Friday, August 23, 2019

Excessively High Indoor Heat Effects On Rx Meds

This morning after our charity crafting meeting, when I got home, I suddenly remembered something about extreme heat affecting medications. After the 3 days early this week without A/C, I decided to count what I had left of the Losartan and of the Atorvastatin. I figured that if the pharmacy thought they were affected, I might need to return what I had left and get fresh ones.

I made a quick call to the Walmart pharmacy that I use, got the pharmacist on the line, and explained. He was so nice. Turns out it would have been a problem if it had been for an extended period of time, but not for just 3 days. What a relief. I did not feel like scooting out for the exchange.

I had already found and read my papers from each Rx to know see if the extreme heat would affect me personally because of the conditions requiring those meds. So many meds today say not to go out in direct strong sunlight for extended periods of time. Well, thankfully, I was indoors during the situation except for that one 20-minute trip to the store for litter on Tuesday.

Also, I wasn't sure how each pharmaceutical company, or my insurance, would view the exchange. Would it mess up my timing for the next refill? I still had 39 of one and 37 of the other.

Anyhow, a quick and easy three-minute phone call resolved that worry to my satisfaction, plus I learned something for the future, plus the pharmacist was so kind. Turns out he was more worried about the extreme heat indoors and its effect on ME at my age than on the prescriptions! Nice to know.

So, I thought I'd pass this little bit of Rx info along to anyone else who reads these and has a similar concern in the future.

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