Thursday, July 11, 2019

Silkie's Vet Visit

The visit went well, considering. Thank you all for your prayers. They trimmed her nails and did a visual exam of those broken canines. The vet agreed that the most practical action was to remove all 4. However, her weight makes surgery risky at the moment.

She was 13 lbs. in Jan. 2013 when we brought her in from the shelter at 1-1/2 years old. She is now 22 lbs. He explained how much to cut her food. And she is not allowed any Temptations treats except for the hairball ones. That's the only hairball med she will take. So instead of 6 in the rolling purple ball at night, her go-to-bed action fun, there will only be 3, but I'll toss in some food-kibbles, just a few.

We hope to get her down to 14 lbs. by mid-December, and then do the surgery. Along the way, IF the teeth cause her any trouble at all, with eating, etc., I'm to bring her in ASAP.

So she and I had a talk today when we got home. I'm going to cut back on my treats, too. I sort of went into binge-mode after my usual Lenten chocolate fast. Now, she likes treats in little lids I scatter throughout the house. But now, instead of Temptations, I'll just put a few kibbles, within her daily limit, and I think she will be okay with that. She just loves finding it.

This vet office is definitely one I wish I had begun to use earlier. I like their attitude, their compassion, patience, and expertise.

They want her down to 1/2 cup kibble a day; she normally does at least a cup a day. So, I'll do a cup through Sunday night, but now I will measure it instead of eyeballing the amount. Then next week, go down to 3/4 cup, and the following week, the 1/2 cup.

She doesn't drink water so to keep her hydrated, I take a can of pate cat food, mix it with a lot of water, and put a few spoons of the "broth" in a bowl off and on throughout the day. He'd like her off that eventually and suggested I put a few additional bowls of water in various areas in the house.
So, at least we know where we stand, and it isn't as bad as it might have been. And Silkie and I have both known this "day of the diet" would come. Neither of us like it, but we will do it.
Thanks again, folks, for your prayers!

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you for your help this morning. We are so grateful. Help us to do this right, with the least difficulty possible, and please bless those who said a wee prayer for us this morning!

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