Friday, July 5, 2019

Fireworks Fire at a Friend's Home!

Just because the 4th is over, it doesn't mean we aren't ALL still in danger from irresponsible fireworks usage. A friend came back yesterday from an outing where they watched their grandson have fun with safe fireworks. A neighbor called them to say their house was on fire! 

Fortunately, the house was relatively untouched but a tree and brush in yard were ruined. During their cleanup they also found a dead baby bird. I'm waiting to hear whether their chickens made it through okay.

Anyhow, it was an irresponsible neighbor who apparently caused this with fireworks. Even if the house is okay, a sane person has to realize there must have been smoke and water damage along the way. If her neighbor had not had a key to their home, and if the neighbor had not begun to hose it down while waiting for the fire department, it would have been a disaster for sure. Not to mention the possibility of spreading to even more neighbors.

The thing is, it is not yet over, folks. This is a long holiday weekend. It's reasonable to think there will still be danger until at least Sunday night, and even possibly Monday. Folks who buy illegal level fireworks will always want to use them up and not waste their money.

So, I really need to pray not just for my friend and her husband and their home and their flock, but also for each and every one of us until this year's session is over.

Sweet Lord Jesus, please watch over those we know and love, and even those we do not know, over the remaining days of this long holiday weekend. Protect us all from the foolishness of others. We really need all the help you can send our way. We trust in you.

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