Monday, July 29, 2019

Errands, Treats, Obligations - But Not Bad

Busy morning but not bad. Started out at 8:30 am to mail a get well card at the USPS. I'm a volunteer Sunshine Lady in our park since my bestie Jane passed on in '10. That means I send a get well or a sympathy card when the office notifies me of the need. It was already 103 outside then.

From there I decided to use the rest of a Denny's gift card someone blessed me with during the holidays. I was using it slowly on the 2-4-6-8 deals and had almost $12 left. So I took my already warm-from-the-hot-air-self up there and relaxed in their AC, used it up on a "loaded veggie omelet" and coffee, and listened to their oldies in the background.

From there I gassed up the buggy, and then drove over to a county office to drop off papers notifying them of our July lot rent increase. Some benefits require updates on certain income and expenses.
Made another stop or two, and by the time I got out at home, by 10-ish, it was up to 107. Crawled into the house and took my bod into the shower!

While I was cooling down and slowing down, I worked on a lapghan for our charity group. I've been having such fun working a new-to-me pattern - a granny ripple. I found about a dozen versions online a few weeks ago and most were very complicated. I finally found a really simple one but her pattern was written in a confusing way, so I adjusted it. I really love this - it goes quick and easy. Will post pix and stuff on the weekend.

Can't wait to start using my replacement for my now-deceased toaster oven. Tomorrow's the day! Will happily toss in some frozen breaded fish fillets - really missed having them available. Packages usually have 10 to 12 in them, and I do half one time and half another. I just put the cooked ones in the fridge and trust me, they go quickly - I do love my fish. Well, I love most fish.

Winding down now for the night... tomorrow's another day. Rolling along...

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