Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Writing Projects, Cat Toys, and Stuff - Oh, My!

Sent off another story for a Chicken Soup for the Soul book. Deadline was yesterday; made it in time, barely. But at least I am working on them again. Next deadline is end of this month.

I can't explain how much joy and pleasure and satisfaction I received through my years of free-lance writing. I've written both free-lance and on-staff, but I much prefer free-lance. With that type of project, I have more flexibility and freedom of choice.

Yesterday I also managed to do some food prep including carrot raisin avocado salad, dig out my cotton worsted for some cat toys for a really long-time friend in the NW, and do some other things.

Today I took the newsletters to both our community rooms, dropped things off to two friends, and came home for other things. Made coffee for 6 days, veggie omelets for 6 days, and finished 4 catnip fishies for that friend in the NW. Tomorrow, I'll do the 4 catnip mousies, and hope to mail this weekend.

Not bad the past two days but so much more to do... rolling along...

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