Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My To-Do List Do's & Do Not's

In my almost 8 decades on this earth, I have made list after list after list. Along the way, I've learned some things, mostly the hard way. I love my lists. I would overlook so many things without those lists. But of course not everything on every list gets crossed off.

There's the area I have worked hardest on over the years. On one job, they gave us an option to take a free workshop on how to use a daily planner binder. The one thing I will always remember is that we learned that we do not need to do everything on that list immediately.
Life evolves. Life gets into the way of our best plans. And life can really mess up a nicely planned to-do list.

So my take-away from that workshop (Franklin Covey) was this: I make my list; I cross off what I accomplish; and I simply move what is left to a fresh list.

Along the way, some things that were on the list at the beginning are still there days, weeks, months later. Obviously they were not as important as I once thought. Eventually, some things just fade into oblivion.

But, also, along the way, many of those things really do get finished.

Hey, whatever works for each of us. This is what works for me...
Gotta make a list for tomorrow... rolling along...

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