Friday, April 12, 2019

Urgent Prayers Needed for Friend's Cousin, Recent Fire

Please say big big prayers, my friends, for someone who just had a fire next door which did extensive damage to their own home. It was my friend's cousin and they lost her son's dogs from smoke inhalation. They must stay with family until they can return home. Most of the damage was outside from the fire/heat, and a lot, an awful lot, of interior damage from smoke and water from the fire team to keep their home from going, too.

Sweet Lord Jesus, we need your help big time on this one. This little family can stay with loved ones for now but please glance their way and help this all to move more amazingly well so they can get back to their home as soon as possible. Give them strength, patience, and wisdom. And help their neighbor, whose home was completely destroyed, to recover from her own injuries. We trust in you.

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