Sunday, April 28, 2019

Made a Start Today on Opening Up Some Space

Well, today I took the time and energy to gather, sort, pack and tag a few weeks' (or more) worth of our charity crafting projects. Not only did it need to be done, it opened up some space in the back bedroom. I can actually see the vacuum cleaner - now to get to the rest of it.

The rest of this month and next month I must do as much as I can back there.

When we hit the triple digits for real, I can't really do anything physical in the rear of the home. Too warm back there. It is what it is. But I make hay while I can.

Along the way, I hope to de-clutter some other areas as well. When the heat hits, the most I can do is food prep, laundry when need be, and mostly crochet or craft quietly to keep from being too warm.
The cat loves to explore little areas when they open up. It can be a foot-square spot where I removed a box I should have tossed when I emptied it - she will know it's now clear and check it out. I get a kick out of watching her.

Anyhow, I do feel good about today's project.

Oh, and I even managed to get back into trying to sell more stories to the Chicken Soup for the Soul folks. One is almost done and has to be emailed by midnight Tuesday... making edits tomorrow and early Tuesday and then will send it on its way and start another.
Rolling along...

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