Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Cats and Head Butts

I've had at least one cat in my life since I was 21 or 22, almost 60 years of them. One of the most fun routines with them are their head butts.

The one I have now never really knew she was a cat. She is discovering little cat-things a little at a time. She is 7-ish now, and only a few months ago, discovered the fun of head butts.

The thing is, this big girl has a really hard head. Or, maybe my head isn't as hard as it used to be.

Anyhow, we kid around, the two of us. I've explained to her that she must be careful with her old-lady-of-a-mama when she does that because nobody gonna believe me if I turn up in the ER with a broken nose one day and tell them my cat did it with a head butt...

She gazes at me when I talk with her. I think she has selective understanding and has chosen to not understand this concept. 

Oh, well - it is what it is... if you've ever had/loved a cat, you'll understand...

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