Monday, August 20, 2018

Activity of the Past Few Days

Although I haven't been doing big projects recently, I was active 3 different days last week with the monthly food pantry pickups. They are not troublesome and I truly enjoy the blessing of products that I do not need to go and buy. But they do take time and they can be labor-intensive. Two require about a 3 hour process if you count the waiting in line. And when I come home, there is all that carrying out of the car, up the steps, and then putting it all away. 

Before I put any of the produce away, I leave it out so it stares at me until I rinse it before putting it in the fridge. Then it is all grab-and-go for munching. A goodly portion also gets prepped and put into the freezer because I don't want to risk any of it spoiling before I can use it up.

Along the way, I did the usual - made coffee for 3 days at a time, mixed up 1/2 gallon of dry milk for the fridge, worked on some charity crafting projects, drafted our monthly newsletter for September, made a batch of jello for the fridge (I always use 2 different flavors, small boxes, sugar-free), and paid some bills.

This morning, after a quick run for 3 or 4 errands, I plopped 6 frozen fish filets into the toaster oven and they are in the fridge for my pleasure.

This week is basically my newsletter week. I'll make the proofing changes tomorrow and do the back page calendar with all the events & trash days, etc. - then Wed., I'll print them, Thu. I'll staple, and Sat. & Sun. I'll walk and deliver 60 each morning to front railings.

BUT then I must buckle down and fit in some upcoming projects: go for the eye test at DMV before the 2nd to renew for a few years, take the car for its once a year quickie checkup, pack and drop off our handmade items for the babies in need, podiatrist, and what I hope will be my final colonoscopy consult (procedure probably in November) and a few other things, before the 15th.

Rolling along...

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