Saturday, July 7, 2018

Really Enjoyed Eating Yesterday

For the first time in almost 2 years, I enjoyed everything I ate yesterday, no matter how small. Using the wafer/cushions on both uppers and lowers gave me what feels like a perfect fit. Ate some stick pretzels which immediately made me crave my old fave, popcorn. Must pick up some microwaveable pouches this weekend.

However, at end of day, when removed, had headache in back of head, neck. It is only faintly there this morning. I want to note how it goes at end of day tonight. If that repeats, then it could be the seating of the dentures inside that long-unused lower jaw. If it doesn’t, then it was either a mild neuralgia from the AC in our clubhouse (I could have been under a vent) or my typical aches off and on, which I rarely notice anymore, from the lumpy couch or the sunken seat in the lift chair.

But the major news for me was that it went well yesterday and gives me great hope for good adjustment next week. Even if I need a little paste or a cushion, even after the adjustment, it is far better than my former years. That is a big plus. They can’t fix what time has broken - not completely. Sometimes we expect too much of mere mortals. I have higher expectations, however, from the higher power!

Sweet Lord Jesus, you know how often we’ve talked about this. Thank you for helping me through this process while you work it out for me. I trust in you.

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