Thursday, April 12, 2018

Quick Post Until Tomorrow Night

Sounds like the wind is slowing down to just 35 mph gusts now. I won’t be online at all tomorrow until tomorrow afternoon or evening. When I’m outside for the yard sale, I can’t leave to come in to the desktop computer.

What I’m saying is I don’t want anyone to worry if they do not see any posts or reactions to posts this weekend except for limited online time late afternoons and evenings.

Rolling along...


cards4ubylouise and other treasures said...

I wondered where you went. Getting ready for a yard sale is a lot of work. I might have to do one this summer also. Hope your sale is prosperous and the $$$ pours in. Can always use those extra perks.

Evelyn Mayfield said...

Thanks for the good wishes, my friend. Our senior mobile home park has these in the Spring and one again in the Fall. It motivates me to de-clutter and Lord knows, I need motivation (sigh). Yep, the prep is a lot of work, and the first 2 hours, setting up the tables, etc., and then you just sit and hope (LOL)... good luck on your summer plans for one of your own...