Wednesday, April 18, 2018

On Today’s Agenda

If I do nothing else today, there are 3 things on my list.

One of the two larger food pantry pickups is this morning. When I come home, I make a few trips from the car trunk up the steps and into the kitchen. Then it’s sorting. Produce and cold stuff into fridge; stuff still frozen (if any) into freezer; dry goods into closets.

I also really really want to take the 4 folding tables from the weekend yard sale and put them back into the shed. I will also take my lot-number marker boxes back to the shed as well.

Later today, I must gather any leftover boxes and trash from the sale and get the trash buckets to the curb for tomorrow’s pickup.

I figure if I do those three things I can feel I’ve done something today.

Rolling along...

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