Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Trying to Catch Up

Lots on my plate over the next few months. For this week, though, and most of next week, no medical appointments, so I’m trying to catch up.

Today, I finally got to the 2 smaller eggplants from a monthly visit to our Park from a food pantry. Did the Shake ‘n Bake thing in the toaster oven, and will pick on those slices/spears (did a few of both) from now throughout the weekend.

Today I'm spending most of the day gathering paperwork backup and making some copies where needed, for an annual visit to the county offices. That means bank statements, SS reward letter, rent payment history, utility payment records, and lots more. Must renew the food stamps (little as it is, $16, I count on it), the energy assistance, and the Medicare premium assistance. They will document everything including the SS increase (slight) and the space rent increase (slight).

I was way behind in packing/documenting our handmade items for the local needy so yesterday I made sure I did that. Packed 4 more big 13-gal bags to turn over for distribution on Friday at the morning session. One of our members, who’s been here just about as long as I’ve had it, will then take it to her contact who will take it to the priest. The hats, scarves and gloves will warm some more in need over the coming months. It takes me a while to gather, document, pack and label the bags. 

The reason I tend to drag my feet is on this is that my legs drag afterwards! I do better moving on them and walking on them than I do standing in place. Along the way, I’ve finished 2 of our baby jackets for the needy.

The day before, I took the time to mix up a half gallon from the dry milk I get from a food pantry. I’ve finally worked out the proportion to what I like and an easy way to measure/mix it. When I bring that milk home, I usually transfer it to peanut butter jars within a day or so, with wax paper under the lids, to keep it undetected by “them.” So to mix it, in a big bowl, I dump one peanut butter jar of dry milk and three of cold water, and whisk it. I used to use wooden spoons and such to mix but they didn’t take all the lumps out. The whisk is perfect for this!

Rolling along...

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