Financially, I am better than I was a year ago, but I must
not forget that just one event could push me backwards. No, it’s not pessimism,
it’s being realistic. Too many folks get complacent and then spend wrongly or
make bad decisions when they think the worst is over. I own my own old mobile
home and an old car and an old body. It would be the most arrogant of
assumptions to figure that nothing else would ever need fixing on any of those
three. In fact, I still haven’t had time to look into once again having bottom
dentures. So, I am relieved to be paying bills on time and without needing to
renew loans, but I trust the Lord to keep me wisely watchful.
Medically, it has been wild. The Lord has shown me issues
needing fixing. He encouraged me to move quickly. I have. My head is always
spinning, hoping I do not neglect to book a ride for this event, or forget to
change that dressing, or whatever. But along the way, the Lord has also blessed
me with incredibly reliable medical teams. Everyone has been great.
Well, I might say a wee prayer for some improvement in one
appointment nurse’s abilities - that gal has me talking to myself many a day
lately. It would actually make a good comedy skit or sit-com episode. Might
share it with you all over the weekend for a laugh.
All in all, the folks have been great. I have understood
every step along the way. Yesterday I had a moment or two of fretting because
it wasn’t ending as quickly as I had assumed or desired. I think I’m over that
but could have a moment’s relapse here or there. No biggie. I can usually shrug
those things off. I’ll eat a cookie.
Sweet Lord Jesus, the healer, thank you with all my heart
and soul for all the great medical help you’ve sent while I’m on this wild
ride. Bless every member of each team during this most wonderful time of the
year. And bless every person I know for any words or prayers of support along
the way. Jesus, I trust in you.
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