Friday, October 20, 2017

Plans and Projects

Short and sweet tonight. I did make a complete scarf at our charity crafters session this morning. I’m using up the bulkiest of the yarns and those projects do go quickly.

Wound care is still easy, but the one he used for a biopsy looks a little angry around the edges tonight. Slathered a little extra ointment on it. I think the gauze was a tad too dry when I applied it this morning because it felt scratchy throughout the day. If it still looks iffy in the morning, I’ll have it checked out somewhere.

Got a laundry done, and packed the trunk so I can drop off the yard sale leftovers to a friend.

This weekend, I really need to do some food prep. I must cook and freeze 4 squash and an eggplant. Well, the eggplant will never make it to freezing - it might not even make it past the second day after I cook it - one of my fave foods.

Sunday I begin the November newsletter and I’ll be working on that off and on all week.

Somewhere over the next two weeks, I hope to get those spark plugs done. The latest would be when my funds come in for November. And I do still need to get up to the County office and deal with that strange food stamp amount.

Silkie is lying on the floor near my feet, listening with me while the PC plays a Patsy Cline CD - she does have her favorites.

I hope everyone has a sweet and peaceful night!

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