Friday, October 27, 2017

His Timing, Not Mine

Things have quite hectic this month. Not all bad, please understand. But between medical issues, car issues, bill paying, and other things, time has flown by.

There were times when an issue reared up in the midst of a pre-planned day of tasks and projects and appointments. Things had to be rearranged. I had to make quick decisions. I had to make sudden phone calls to check on things. I had to make appointments quickly. I had to change plans. But, all in all, much was done this month that I would never have expected to get done.

By the time I look back, probably on the night of the 31st, and take a little mental inventory, I am sure I will be in awe.

Some of these unexpected timings had me wondering if I could pull it off. But that’s where faith comes in. Each time, I had to do what my sister’s AA group used to encourage: Turn it over to a Higher Power. He has my back. He knows what I need and when I need it. He knows what I need to do and when I need to do it. He knows all of this so much better than I do. I’ve managed to let him take over whenever I was smart enough to say a quick prayer for that type of help.

“Help me get through this without raising my blood pressure,” and just “Help me get through this,” these were frequently in my head this month.

Tonight I feel a tad more relaxed and less uptight and less concerned.

Father in Heaven, you are the Creator. You know it all - past, present, future. I am learning anew each day to trust your incredible wise timing. I am learning to love your “nudges” to keep me on the path you know is right for me. I am learning to love tremendously the unexpected help you send my way, no matter what form it takes. Thank you for being there for me.

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