Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Changing My Yard Sale Prep Methods

Normally, when I begin gathering stuff for a yard sale, I just wander through the house looking a suspicious stacks of stuff and plunge into this one and into that one. But that is really not productive. I just never have the time to really decide on a better, more organized way.

THIS time, I’m beginning at the back of the house. I’ll move through each room, right to left, and pull things that are going out. I will try to re-stack and re-organize what is left at each point, and get back to those things after the sale is over.

This way, even if I only get 2 or 3 rooms done, I will know in my heart that those rooms were picked over!

I feel good about this. And, to be serious, knowing this house, it might only be 1 or 2 rooms each time...

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