Sunday, September 24, 2017

Strange Mixture of Tasks Accomplished Today

What a strange day. I did get a few things done, though.
This was the day I draft the next monthly newsletter for our senior mobile home park. I worked on it off and on and tonight I printed the copies I will drop off for proofing in the morning.

Managed to also make 8 cups of brown rice. I stashed 1/2 in one container for the freezer, and 1/2 into another for the fridge. It keeps very well in the fridge and I add it off and on to various meals. I rarely use pasta these days, so this is a great option to have at the moment I need it, already cooked.

While I was on the PC, I decided to begin playing all the CDs I should eventually sell/get rid of. I won’t do that without running each one to be sure they still work. I was surprised to learn I actually liked U2 and a Doors disc I began with. They belonged to someone else in the house at one time.

Somehow, in the middle of these things, I noticed the old digital camera staring at me. I remembered a bag where I had stashed a few Prayer Shawls I made a while back. I intended to put those in my Etsy shop. I closed that shop at the end of May. Something nagged at me to take the pics I had long neglected to take.

That done, I transferred them from the camera to my PC. I then cropped, compressed, and in general, worked on them. I decided to add them to my Facebook crafts page. One of these days, I must add a shopping cart widget to my blog - I think I can also add it to that Facebook page. For now, that part will have to wait.

I still need to make all that French toast. Hopefully, I’ll get that done tomorrow, as well as the pickled eggs.

This week is the newsletter week - after the proofing, there’s the printing, then the stapling, then the delivery to 150 homes on the weekend (our team does the rest of the park).

After that, I must immediately get onto the hunting/gathering aspect of the upcoming park wide yard sale the 2nd weekend of October.

Yep, I’ll be happily busy for a while. I’m so glad I have some things in the freezer to pull out, defrost, and eat. There won’t be time, or perhaps more accurately, energy, for cooking meals.

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