Tuesday, November 1, 2016

His Wonderful and Surprising Gifts - Etsy Order

You are all aware of my precarious financial situation and of my water-rationing situation while I await enough funds to replace the piping under my old mobile home.

Along the way, I distract myself from my concerns in many ways. I do crafts - for myself, for friends and loved ones, for my Etsy shop and for the local needy. I write - blog posts, free lance writing efforts, and more. I do a little de-cluttering. And so on...

Last night, I began a short series of blog posts about folks I know that have Etsy shops, or about Etsy shops I just plain love, or about an Etsy shop whose owner almost desperately needs some sales. I thought I could at least write a few words each evening that might bring some attention to those shops. Last night it was about CathysCraftWorld.

Lo and behold, this morning I had a sweet surprise order when I checked my own Etsy shop. I was trying to help someone else, and it looks like the Lord has tried to help me! Isn't he amazing? Isn't he wonderful? Oh, it's not like I will expect this every time, but it surely does tell me that I am doing the right thing by helping others in spite of my own concerns. I think that's what it's all about - didn't he say we should love one another as he has loved us?

This order and another, last month, were each multiple-item orders. That knocked down the number of items in my shop. I have been neglecting my own shop of late, in a way. I have a tote with "stuff" - I need to take photos and add them to my shop inventory. Obviously, from the way he works, I'd better do that quickly.

Sweet Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the surprise help you gave me this morning. Bless that buyer abundantly, and bless the people whose shops I mention in the coming days. May we all help each other, each in our own way, always and forever.

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