For some folks, it would be a downer.
For me, it was a warning, a hint from above that I need to
take care of this before it really IS a problem, one that cannot be solved
without major cash outlay. Cash which I do not have.
Lo and behold, today I get a response to my post saying a
dear local friend has a tower she no longer needs and I can have it! We've gone
back and forth by email and it has the software I need, as well.
You all know that I mention the bumps I face on life's
journey in my blog posts. When I do that, it is not to be taken as complaining.
It is to be taken as explaining.
When I see posts from folks I know and care about, and they
are facing troubles, at least I can offer a prayer for them. But unless I know
about it, I cannot do even that much. I am certain that some of my friends
offered prayers on my behalf regarding those computer issues. And I am sure
that now, those prayers have been answered. They have been answered in a way I
never expected. But this could not have happened had I not mentioned the issues
I was dealing with.
Now that does not mean that I am not careful about what I
say online. And I have had friends who choose not to disclose their specific
troubles when they ask for prayers.
It all comes down the "ask and ye shall receive"
promise. We cannot receive if we do not ask. That doesn't mean we need to ask
for a specific item, but we can ask for prayers for help in finding that item,
or fixing that item, or whatever.
Lord Jesus, thank you for hearing our prayers, always. Thank
you for the early warnings you send my way. Help me to always be alert and
grateful for those warnings. And bless all those who have ever helped me and
all those who care about helping others. Bless them abundantly!
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