Sunday, August 7, 2016


Finally found the right manual, hit the right buttons, and TV is now working once more - 8 days without it. Didn't think I'd miss it so much, but it was mostly the updates, news, weather and traffic. Of course, there are a few shows I'll be happy to see once again.

This wasn't a high priority on my prayer list, although it was a strong "want." Mostly, my high priority items are "needs." Those are still a concern this month, but not impossible.

So, this will be very short but I knew a lot of you were trying to help me and I needed to let you know it has worked out. Thank you all so much.

During the day, I managed to also finish 25 of my Pocket Crosses - good feeling.

And thank you, Father, for helping me in this matter. I realize it wasn't a big thing, but I remember that Jesus even helped with something else that wasn't a big thing, at the wedding feast in Cana. This delightful surprise blessing adds to my comfort level, and even though it isn't essential, it is greatly appreciated. Bless everyone who tried to help, please?  

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