Friday, September 5, 2014

Little Bump in Life’s Road

I thought I had a reasonably peaceful month ahead of me this time, at least until the final week’s bill-paying dilemmas. Tonight, a pipe that runs down the length of my water heater, on the outside of it, burst.

I was in the back bathroom and it smelled all hot and steamy. I had no hot water on. This was around 7 pm. I rushed outside and around the back of my mobile home. I could not see any water coming out of the water heater closet. I opened it. The floor was wet and I could hear hissing.

All the energy and even some faith drained out of me for a split second.

Then I went inside and called my long-time friend, the one who had installed the new water heater in January. He came over in less than 15 minutes. It took 20 minutes for us to find the leak.

It’s not anything related to the new water heater. It’s an older pipe that he had suggested be replaced when he and my nephew were installing the new heater. My nephew apparently told him we couldn’t afford the extra funds back then.

Anyhow, my friend has been dealing with many surgeries to fix a shattered leg and ankle from two years ago. He cannot maneuver to make this repair, much as he wanted to.

He did, however, bless his heart, shut off the incoming water to the tank, turn off the heater itself, and turn off the gas. This way, I at least have water and am safe until I can get that pipe fixed.

I had lined up a few things that I need to do tomorrow. I think I’ll take a deep breath and get someone over here early on Sunday. My friend says the pipe should only cost $10 but the labor is tricky because of where the pipe in located inside that small closet. At least I have an idea of what it should cost. I also need to decide which of the several local handymen I should call. Waiting just one day, with everything shut off, hot-water wise, will at least let me hear God’s voice as to who to call so I won’t make a rash decision.
Thank you, Father, for the head’s up on this one. I’m glad you held it off until I was sure to be home and notice it, and that it didn’t happen when I was out and the kitty was here alone. Thank you that my friend was home this evening and able to come and look at it for me, and shut everything down. Bless him with excellent results and healing on the 18th with his next surgery. And please, continue to hold me up in faith that I might not let any of this overwhelm me. You’ve made me strong - I will try to live up to your expectations.  

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