Monday, June 24, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward

We didn't expect to get through the SSDI claim process without a glitch. Today we hit our first. The SSI claim the lawyer's office filed resulted in a letter from the Social Security office saying that, for now, SSI claims must be filed in person, not online. So, we need to make an appointment and run 20 miles across town to do that.

I'm waiting for feedback from the lawyer's office as to whether this must be done before we apply for the county medical assistance for my nephew. If we do things in the wrong order, we could run into massive delays.

Still, at least we are still in the loop and the letter found us.

Sweet Jesus, guide us, please, each day in this journey. Show us the steps we need to take along the way. Send us contacts who are compassionate and knowledgeable in the process. And more than anything else, thank you for helping us get this far.

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