Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Attitude Adjustment

This recent crisis with our 2001 Saturn's blown engine has had a happy side effect, it seems. Because of this issue, we are without a car for a week or so.

Last night, in bed, I was thinking how happy I will be when we get the car back.

Then, suddenly, I seemed to be flooded with memories of all the complaining my nephew and I have been doing for the past 2 years and 2 months since we drove it off the used car lot.

We sorely missed our roomy old van. This little 4 door sedan was not anything like our van.

We complained almost immediately about how much more difficult it was for both our arthritic legs and knees to get in and out of the car.

We complained, often, about how the console was smaller and held less than the one in the van.

Frank is almost deaf in one ear and he complained because the only speaker in the car that works is the one on his bad ear's side.

We complained about the low profile front bumper area which we quickly had to adjust to so we wouldn't hang the car up on those parking stop-barriers or a curb.

I complained because there isn't a lot of back leg room in the back seats for any passengers.

Frank's arm kept bumping the hot leather (vinyl?) on the console so he shoved a bath towel over it, to protect it and to protect him.

We mumbled about this and complained about that, often, to ourselves, to each other and to anyone who would listen.

Suddenly, I pictured God sitting up there, sighing in frustration, "So they think this car is a pain? Let me show them what they are missing."


Frank and I talked today about the things we like about this car. From here on in, I will be happy to say that this car has "heart." I grew up with 50s hot rod guys and muscle cars and I love a car with guts.

I am happy to say I love the power windows and power seat adjustments. We both love the roomy trunk. Frank was happy a month ago to discover how the back seat folded down so he could bring home some trim to put between ceiling panels in our living room without having it stick out the trunk. This car has better air conditioning than our old van and its motor runs cool, a plus.

During the five years that we had the used van, it was in for repairs, large ones, transmission-related, several times for long periods of time. This Saturn, however, has never needed more than half a day for repairs, until now.

Our attitude is changing.

Tonight, he said that sometime in the coming year, when finances permit, he'd like to get the upholstery re-done. It is fabric and in our hot desert climate, it is beginning to dry and pull apart - not yet noticeable but something to plan for.

He asked me to crochet a nice cover for the console to replace the towel we have there. I'm thinking of crocheting a steering wheel cover. We are very happy that, three months ago, we were finally able to get a full set of tires for the car.

So, we hope that the Lord God is pleased with our attitude adjustment. After all, we did not have to take this particular car - the purchase was our own choice. We need to rejoice in it.

And, we cannot wait to get our little car back.

Father, forgive us for our whining and whimpering. Thank you for teaching us this lesson and for doing so in the gentlest way possible. We get the message.


Anonymous said...

Its like having a family member sick,,,and you have to wait until its better,,,,But I know when that little guy gets back in your driveway,,,He will be purring like a kitten!!

Evelyn Mayfield said...

LOL - Love that thought...thanks!