Thursday, July 26, 2012

Answered Prayers - Thank you, all of you!

Back on June 10, I mentioned in a post that one of my long-time cyber friends badly needed affordable housing for herself and her grandkids. I also emailed my private prayer chain about this matter.

At one point, our hopes rose, then fell immediately within a few days, to what looked like a total NO to that request from God.

Tonight, I'm happy to share the news that she is moving in, on Tuesday, to an apartment that is on the bus line, close to the schools for the grandkids, and that she will also have help from her church regarding the physical matter of the move itself. Not only that, she says that it far larger than she ever expected.

Thank you, all of you, for your prayers. I know my friend is thankful, too!

Lord God, thank you for always working in the background, for setting things in place, for the answers to our prayers. Bless those who have prayed on our behalf and bless them abundantly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Evelyn! YES...PRAISE OUR LORD for His Goodness and Faithfulness to your friend and her grands! I will rejoice with you! ♥♥♥