Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Lord's Help in Little Things

Today my middle-aged nephew had to put up a trim-strip between two of our ceiling panels in our living room in the mobile home. He didn't have a lot of room to work and his arthritis and another medical issue both make it very difficult for him to stretch these days. By the time he finished, he was literally trembling and weak.

Anyhow, during his bout with the power drill, 10 screws, and the 10-foot piece, and moving the stepladder along the way, I was very worried he would tumble and fall into my archaeological dig of cartons and boxes. I prayed very hard on this one, for his safety and that he would get it done, right, the first time.

At first, I felt silly praying to Jesus for his help on this small matter. Then I remembered I've posted before that if our Lord felt it important enough to help family friends save face at the wedding feast of Cana, his first public miracle with the water and wine, then there was no reason I couldn't ask his help in this matter.

Add to that, this was a carpentry issue of sorts. And who better to ask for help than our most beloved carpenter himself.

Everything worked out right, the first time. I am so grateful for this round of answered prayers.

Oh, in case anyone wonders why I keep saying my "middle-aged nephew," it's because even though I am 72, many folks automatically assume, when I say "nephew" that he's a kid. He hates it when I say "middle-aged," although at 56, he's beginning to enjoy one or two senior discounts (LOL).

Dearest Lord Jesus, thank you so much for your help today, and for all you've done for us in the past. Thank you for loving us all so much and for always being there for us, in spite of how often we continue to fail to follow the Father's commandments.

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