Sunday, June 10, 2012

Helplessly Watching the Suffering of Others

I didn't realize that it has been a few weeks since my last faith-related post. Tonight, though, I figured that putting my thoughts down might help me sort out some things. Mostly, I have been feeling helpless the past few days while watching the suffering of others.

One, a friend in her 50s who is responsible for her two young grands, is hoping, once again, to qualify for "affordable housing." I have watched her, and tried to comfort her, at other times when this came up. So far, she has been dangled several times, very sure it had gone through, only to have it fall apart when she was just about to packing-and-moving status. I pray with all my heart that it goes through this time.

Another is a household member who is dealing with several medical issues and much pain. He isn't covered by med insurance and his conditions are such that at an ER or Urgent Care center, it's highly unlikely that the specialist he would need would be there. We hope to get him to a specialist this month, once we find out how much the consult fee is.

Anyhow, these are but two examples. Any caring person today, whether in their 20s or in their 80s, knows dozens of folks who are suffering and who we cannot help directly.

What I realized as I was writing this is that God our Father must feel this way about us, as well. He created a perfect world in Eden, set the world in motion, gave us free will, and we messed it up. At this point, he does not mess with our free will. So, I am sure, there are millions of us who cause him to worry while he watches us suffer. In some cases, it is our own fault. In other cases, it is circumstance. The cause doesn't matter. He sees us suffer and cannot interfere with our free will.

At times like this, all I can do is offer up prayers for those I recognize to be in need. At least I am doing something positive and real. And I am partially releasing some of my worry for those around me, dozens of them, by turning it over to the Lord.

Father, I offer up my prayers for those in need around me. There are so many, but I know you can deal with them all. After all, you must deal with the suffering of your entire world. Have mercy on as many as possible, yet not our will, but yours be done. I will praise you with all my heart when I see your hand in their blessings.

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