Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Aim to Learn One New Thing a Day, And Its Consequences

This morning I learned something new. While running back and forth, every 7 minutes, to hit Print for another 16 sets of 6-page duplex copies for our monthly community newsletter, my middle-aged nephew asked me what immediately comes to my mind when I hear the words Big Ben.

I immediately replied: the clock on the tower in London and the bong, bong, bong of the chimes. He said that was wrong. It is the bell itself, not the clock. He had already known that when he heard it on the TV, but I've gone through about 68 of my 72 years in ignorance. SO, I added that to my immense (LOL) accumulation of knowledge as my "one new thing to learn each day."

I immediately decided that this will be a permanent thing on my personal Bucket List - Learn one new thing each day.

However, I realize that the brain does not continue to grow or expand as we slide into old age.

So, I figure I must add another item to my Bucket List to compensate: Drop one old thing from my vast store of knowledge to make room for tomorrow's (or today's) "one new thing" effort.

Okay. Now here's my problem. How can I possibly decide which items in my brain are now worth discarding, at the rate of one-a-day? And, how do I discard them?

Hmmm. Gotta ponder that a bit.

1 comment:

Cheryl Martin said...

HI! Evelyn. I love this post learn one new thing each day. That is a great concept! In this fast world there is so much to learn and experience, why not go out there an explore and try new things. I might have to adopt this concept as well.