Saturday, December 10, 2011

Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas - Customized Printable Word Puzzles

One quick and easy, but very personal gift, is a customized word search puzzle relating to someone on your gift list. There are a lot of free programs on the internet, but not all of them are easy and not all of them offer what you might need. As part of our ongoing series (9/21-12/24) of handmade Christmas gift ideas, I searched and tried a few to find one to suggest.

I settled on the program over at ArmoredPenguin, at this link.

The photo with this post shows a puzzle I made relating to my crochet hobby and craft. It only took a few moments for me to make a list. I created a word list in Word and sorted it. I didn't realize there was a box to click before generating the puzzle that would do that for me - very nice touch.

One big reason I like it is that it offers the option to generate a printable and savable .pdf file. Some of the other programs were good but they printed with advertising on it and not all of them permit you to save your puzzle on your computer.

If you do not think you can think of enough words to make a puzzle for someone, just browse their huge list of already-constructed puzzles. One of those might work for you. Before printing any of these, however, choose one with a white background or you will use a lot of colored ink.

This is a lot of fun. You can make one for every member of a particular family. For some, you might list personality traits or career words or hobbies. For others, list favorite animals, colors (kids), and more. Favorite foods is another idea. Or consider car makes and models, or even TV shows.

The good thing about this gift is that it can be totally personal. Print it on a pale background or colored paper or holiday paper, to make it more festive and special.

For other projects in my series, just look along the right sidebar for the label "Christmas Gift Projects." I hope to post only tips that do not require knitting, crocheting, machine sewing, tatting, embroidery, or any other skilled technique.

If you are feeling too crushed for time to make your own gifts this season, check my Etsy shop for items for your gift list.

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