Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why I Share Various Info in my Posts

I realize that some readers might wonder why I am often very specific about finances and other issues which sometimes trouble me. Some might feel it is offensive to know someone's money or other life issues. Others might misunderstand my motives. There are several reasons for my sharing some details.

I am a sharing person - I cannot help myself. So, when I find a way to deal with an issue, I cannot help but share it. I always hope that at least one other person on this earth might read it and might be less-stressed because of the post.

Also, I realize that many people are in situations similar to my own. I want them to know they are not alone. That often helps a lot. For any of us who face stress and worry and troubles, we feel better when we know that others have been in the same boat and survived the storm.

Other people might think they will never face certain issues. I know from experience that none of us can ever say that we will never have to face this-or-that. We do not know the future. Only the Lord knows that. So, some of you might not relate to a post today, or next week, but you might find yourself in a similar situation a month from now, or a year from now or ten years from now. At that time, hopefully, you'll remember something you have read here, something that will help you get through it.

So, for what it's worth, I share simply because I must.

Dear Lord, my God, thank you for the internet and for a way to share with others what you can do for us. Thank you for helping me to write the words that might help even one other person to get through a tough time. Most of all, thank you for being there for each of us, always.

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