Today, I was at a Craft Fair, trying to sell some of my handmade items for a few dollars of income. It did not go well, by some standards. Folks were very nice. They were very complimentary about our handmades. But most did not buy.
In the end, I came home with $19. That meant I pulled in $9 over the table rent I paid.
At first, I felt a bit disappointed. Then I looked at it a different way.
When I awoke this morning, I needed $20 to meet an obligation. I had prayed for a nice outcome from this sale. However, the Lord provided me with what I needed - the $20. See, I already had $1 in my wallet, and when I added the $19, I had the $20 I needed for that obligation.
At the same time, at the sale, one buyer who I've known for quite a while, ordered some little hats for her grandson. I knew she was coming to the sale after Noon. From 8 to Noon, I kept my mind and fingers occupied by crocheting a pattern and size I thought would work for her. I finished two by the time she showed up. I gave her those two so she could try them on the little guy.
When I got home from the sale, she not only liked those, but ordered five more. Sometime this week or next, she'll pick up those five, and pay me for all seven.
I am convinced that this extra bounty appeared because I did not let myself get sour on life because of what looked like a disappointing day.
Father, thank you so much for all you did for me today. You provided me with patience. You sent buyers with just enough for me to meet that obligation. You guided me to the pattern this little boy needed. And, you filled me with the grace I needed so that I could see the goodness in this day.
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