I was amazed to see that quite a few folks had recently, in the past 24 hours, viewed one I posted last year around this time (God's Time vs Daylight Savings Time).
Because we will be turning back our clocks this weekend, I just had to go look at what I had written back then. I was surprised to see how much it still relates to DST today. As we get closer to the weekend, we will hear and see news clips of folks who complain that the change will affect how dark it is when they are going home, or some other inconvenience.
Sometimes I wish we could just eliminate DST altogether and get back to the basics. We could just get used to night and day the way the Lord created it. We are living in his world, as it turns out. Yet we try to finagle his world into what we want it to be for ourselves. How rude we are, we humans.
Father, give us all the patience to wait while you work things out for us. Give us patience to deal with your seasons, your night and day, your timing, as you made it for us, and as you wish it to be.
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