When you go to Heather's post, here, look for three important links.
One link is for the tutorial itself. This will show you how to use your home printer to make transfers to iron onto the tea towels.
Two other links on the same post will let you download the printables.
The first download is for the pretty graphic design for the towel. The design reminds me of the Pennsylvania Dutch patterns I used to see when growing up in PA.
The next download is the 2012 calendar itself.
I love it when we can make our printers earn their keep.
The project is a collaboration between Cathe Holden and Heather Mann. The photo here is from their post and shows the graphic that accompanies the calendar.
The tute gives suggestions and instructions for several ways to do the towel, including flour sack options.
This is sure to please anyone, female or male, on your list who does kitchen duty in their household.
For other projects in my series, just look along the right sidebar for the label "Christmas Gift Projects." I hope to post only tips that do not require knitting, crocheting, machine sewing, tatting, embroidery, or any other skilled technique.
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