Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Good and the Bad About the Christmas Giving Spirit

I find that there is both good and bad when it comes to the spirit of Christmas giving.

The good is that many of us think of folks outside our immediate circle during this season.

The bad is that many of us quit thinking of others outside our immediate circle once the season has ended.

The good things are obvious. We drop spare change and even currency into those kettles outside of stores to help those less fortunate. Some of my friends have a tradition of inviting one person who is alone to be with them on Christmas day. Others participate in Angel Trees, giving gifts to folks, again, less fortunate than they are. We search our memories for anyone who did something nice for us this past year so that we can show our gratitude with something special on the holiday. Some folks help out in soup kitchens or help pack baskets of food and necessities for the needy. Oh, there is no end to the ways we can find so that we can help those in need.

The bad thing about Christmas is that we do this only one brief season of the year. For a few short weeks, we are ablaze with love for our fellow beings. For eleven months, our attention to the needy is pretty skimpy indeed.

How wonderful it would be to give a truly special gift to the Christ child this year. The gift could be that we would not let the Christmas spirit seep out of our souls at midnight, December 25th.

Dear Jesus, forgive me for all the weeks and months when I do not give enough of myself to those in need. Please help me to always keep my eyes and heart open to the opportunities to help those you place on my path. I know that you do not ask me to do more than I can, but I know I can often do more than I do.

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