Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Etsy and Photos and Listings

Well, I finally found the time to begin taking photos for my shop. I had hoped to do it Saturday, but two days late is better than never.

I began looking through the things I had taken to the local Craft Fair on the 5th. I had some fridge magnets that were already posted in my shop, but the photos were not crisp. I took some fresh photos today. The one you see here is better than the original.

I also took photos of four more pairs of slippers for the shop. I might get them posted tonight. If so, I'll share those with you, too.

I just discovered some settings on my Kodak C913 that I've been using. A dear friend, Micki, turned me on to that model. Today I found the Close Up setting and the Blur reduction setting. I hope to get much better at photos over this coming month. For now, any improvement is an improvement to celebrate.

With Etsy listings, the competition is so heavy that photos are what get a buyer's attention. First I have to get better at the clarity and crispness. Then I'll work on the backgrounds.

Etsy doesn't charge anything for swapping out the photos, but it does charge if there is a quantity change in a listing. That makes sense.

Gotta go. I want to try to list the additional four pairs of slippers.

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