At PrintsOfJoy, Alenka posts, here, about this great download to print on cardstock. You will get two bookmarks and two mini-calendars. The bookmarks can be edited to personalize or customize with a name, a sentiment, or whatever you wish. The calendars cannot be edited.
You get four images on one page. Two are bookmarks, and two are mini-calendars.
You can even get a Spanish version!
The printed background is a pretty border of cupcakes, but don't worry, being of cardstock, they are low calorie and okay for anybody on your holiday gift list.
Although it doesn't say so exactly, I imagine you could even glue a bookmark to the back of a calendar, and have them both as one gift. I'm not very good at placing one thing precisely on another without having overlap, so I'd be more inclined to deal with them individually.
They could be laminated. Or, as Alenka shows, inserted in a vinyl sleeve.
Some handy folks might want to punch a hole in the bookmarks so they can attach a piece of ribbon.
The downloaded file gives specific instructions on how to edit the bookmark text. Nothing could be easier, quicker, cheaper, or nicer, for the folks on your list.
For other projects in my series, just look along the right sidebar for the label "Christmas Gift Projects." I hope to post only tips that do not require knitting, crocheting, machine sewing, tatting, embroidery, or any other skilled technique.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway (deadline Oct 31) for $25 in handcrafted merchandise from my Etsy store.
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