Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Keeping the Lord's Day Holy - Part 3

This is my third post about several ideas for busy, easily distracted people today (like me) to use to focus on the Lord on his day. Unless the Lord whispers in my ear with a few more ideas, these next three will be the last. I began these posts because I really, really wanted to be more devoted to thoughts of him on that day, but life kept getting in the way.

I detailed one way I found, that worked for me, in the first post. In the second one, I listed three more that I thought of, so that I wouldn't get stuck in a rut. Variety is not only the spice of life, but it adds spice to the life in my faith.

One way I plan to focus, at times, at home, is to play hymns or gospel music. Both cable and satellite television providers offer music only channels today. I also still have a CD player and some discs, and, believe it or not, a cassette player and tapes. This way, no matter what task I am tackling, I have the spirit of the Lord in my head through inspirational music.

If I were still working, it would be easy to use headphones while I was working, as background. The same technique applies. CDs, and more modern forms of receiving the inspirational music, are widespread today. It would be very easy for me to surround myself with his spirit even if I were obligated to perform the duties of a job. This would work for all but the type of job where folks must speak to customers constantly. For that type of job, my next idea would be great.

My third idea, and one I like a lot for myself, is to make that day an ongoing, constant day of Thanks. I can take his special day and thank him for everything that day. I can thank him for the hands that can do the given tasks, for the food I eat or that which I prepare for others to eat, and for the presence of mind that allows me to remember to thank him at all. If I were working, I could thank him for the job, for the funds the job brings, for the people he trusts me to place in my path. There are so many, many things to thank him for, that I could never run out of new ones, no matter how often I use this particular technique. Yep, this one will be my "old reliable" routine for keeping his day Holy.

Dearest Father in Heaven, thank you for these ideas and for the ways in which I can focus on you and your love on your special day. Help me to choose the method that works best each week so that I can serve you in the best way possible when considering my obligations and responsibilities.

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