Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas - Hoop-de-Do!

Found this, as I often do, in my daily CraftGossip e-newlsetter. It is for a really easy piece of wall art using buttons and hoops and just a teeny bit of stitching or bleach pen work. The example focuses on a verse from the Bible, but it could easily be anything from a name and birth date to an anniversary date with a few words of undying love or anything you wish to say to the recipient. For a child, even a superhero's fave Shazam! or whatever, would be great.

This tute is found here on TeacherGoneCrafty, posted by Jessica. I, myself, will likely use any of several fave Bible verses, depending on who it is made for. What I love is that I, who am definitely not an embroidery expert, can easily do the small amount of stitching needed for this one, so long as I do not choose a long Bible book name such as Ecclesiastes. If even that is beyond me, I can reach for the bleach pen and use the techniques mentioned in one of my earlier posts about bleach pen art, here.

I also love that it uses up lots of buttons. I am incredibly addicted to ordering TUBS of buttons from places like Oriental Trading and other online sites. I cannot possibly use them up in what's left of my life as I'm already 72, so why not spread them around?

Yep, this one can be used for men, women, and children, depending on which way you adapt the technique to each person on your list. Now, I'm off to find some gently-used hoops and some low-priced hoops online...

For other projects in my series, just look along the right sidebar for the label "Christmas Gift Projects." I hope to post only tips that do not require knitting, crocheting, machine sewing, tatting, embroidery, or any other skilled technique to a large degree.

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