Friday, June 24, 2011

The Truth about Tithes

I really do not know what the truth is about tithes. I only know that the Bible says that if we tithe, which is to bring the Lord one-tenth of our produced goods or income, he will reward us a hundredfold. At least, that is how I recall it.

I interpret our worldly goods or produced goods or income to mean that which we receive by the sweat of our brow. So, I do not include anything I borrow in that total. And I do not include, at least right now, my Social Security income.

Our household is in dire straights, but I am able to earn from $25 to $75 a week, this past two months, writing little internet-based articles for an online article broker. This is income. Anything I earn from my Etsy store is income, as well.

So, for about the umpteenth time in my 70 years on this earth, I am trying once again to fulfill a promise I made to God to tithe my earned income. I'll be headed over to Mass tomorrow morning to turn in what I've accumulated over the past two months. In the past, I've rarely made good on such a promise for any longer than six months, if that.

I cannot recall, from past efforts, whether I received the hundredfold reward or not. But I interpret it to not necessarily mean here on earth. As long as I don't look for riches simply because I managed to tithe, I won't be disappointed. The riches are in my heart, knowing I am thanking the Lord by passing along funds which can be used to further his work.

Sometimes I tithe to my church, other times to legitimate charities and such, for good works.

Father, once again, I begin to try to remember to bring you one-tenth of my earnings. Forgive my former broken promises, and help me to do better this time. Along the way, bless me abundantly with earnings so that I may, in turn, bless others with my tithes.

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