Friday, June 17, 2011

God's Timing

I woke up this morning, feeling overwhelmed. Tigger, the 14 yr old gray Bengal tabby who owns us, woke me at 4 am and I was not in the mood to even speak nicely to him. I scooped some canned cat food into a dish, told him to eat and tried to get another hour before "really" getting up. It didn't work.

Anyhow, at 5:15 am, I gave up, got up, and began mumbling about what a bad day this was going to be. I was already worn out, trying to keep everything on my list in order, and trying to plan how to do it all in a sensible, non-panic-mode way. Opened the back door to let Tigger sit on the back steps before our hot, hot day begins. Fired up the PC and checked the emails.

There it was - exactly what I needed this morning. My emailed Guideposts Inspirational Quote for the day. Nothing could have been more on target than this one, right now, for me, this morning. I'll share it with you now.

"I have learned that faith is having the patience to wait, knowing that all things will be done in God's time. I only wish I owned one of his watches." —Kathy Buckley, comedienne

How perfectly said is that? I've seen and heard it said many ways. For some reason, all those other times were buried in my subconscious and God seems to have known I needed a version of this thought at this moment, and sent it my way, with the help of Guideposts.

Thank you, Lord, for reminding me that all too often, I am impatient. Forgive me, strengthen me, be with me this day, as always.

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