Sunday, May 1, 2011

Amazing Answer to Prayer

A few days ago, the 28th, I posted about True Debt Relief. At that time, I was seeking new ways of bringing in income while we wait for news on Frank's unemployment application. His reply could take as long as three to four weeks, and could also be a rejection. Meanwhile, he suffers daily from what he is sure is cracked ribs and he won't let me get him x-rayed because he says we can't afford the co-pays right now. Perhaps we can't, but I would feel better knowing for sure.

Aside from that, back to the income worries. I've prayed daily for answers that I knew God would send me, and for the wisdom to see and hear that guidance.

This morning, I remembered that I regularly receive about 5 free lance writing and publishing e-newsletters each month. Lately, I haven't even bothered reading them. I've just shuffled them over into a special folder among my emails. I began opening the most recent of each one.

In one of them, I think I may have my answer. I found a link and lead to a group who publishes web content articles. I haven't yet tried these. Still, there is no reason I cannot write them.

I checked out the guidelines and pay and other details. I will have to learn their style, but I hope to submit my first article tomorrow. If this works, it will begin the income slowly, but steadily increase a little. With God's grace and with my work and effort, perhaps I can at least generate $100 to $200 a week. That would be an incredible blessing.

Dear Lord, thank you for letting me see what has been waiting for me to find it; fill me with the grace and gifts I need to do well in this venture.

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