Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Need to Re-Charge

Today was a bit hectic. Not awful, understand, just hectic. I began to feel guilty when, after dropping a few things and finding myself getting a bit wobbly, I decided to sit for a spell and rest my legs. I have lost weight this past year, and my energy level has increased, but I haven't learned yet how to regulate it. Also, my energy level does not match the low-stamina level of my legs when it comes to doing things on my legs, standing or walking, for long periods of time.

When I sat, I grabbed some craft work so I would feel less guilty. Then I remembered how Jesus retreated and rested after a period of preaching to the crowds and the crowds pursued him for more of his teachings. He knew the value of what I call re-charging. I need to remember that, and I need to see and take advantage of the usefulness of this technique.

Sweet Jesus, there are so many things you taught us while you were here on earth. You left us so many excellent examples of how to deal with the issues in our daily life. Thank you for loving us so much, for loving us enough to do this.

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