Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Help in Falling Asleep

I never have any trouble falling asleep initially. But sometimes, if my kitty has hairball troubles in the middle of my sleep session, or something other than a quick bathroom trip awakens me, I can take up to a half hour getting back to sleep. At those times, I usually rely on prayer. Not because I find it boring or routine, but because it soothes me.

At those times, an easy-to-remember prayer works best. Sometimes I'll say the Lord's Prayer, and/or the 23rd Psalm. Sometimes I'll use the one in my Busy Person's Prayer Book:

Getting Rest
I pray for your help in falling asleep
So I may recharge for the coming day
Rock me in your loving arms
Until I fall asleep, I pray.

The main thing I've noticed is that it must be something easy to recall, something that is soothing to me no matter what the circumstances. You probably have your own favorites you can add to this list.

Sometimes I'll even "sing" in my head, some hymns that I love: "Holy, Holy, Holy" or "Holy God We Praise Thy Name."

I find it much easier to doze off having turned my thoughts to the Lord at those times.

Dear Father, Sweet Jesus, thank you both for all your help when life intrudes and keeps me from getting the rest I need to do your will the upcoming day. Please continue to help me in this way.

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