Friday, January 28, 2011

Nothing is as Fleeting as an Uncaught Thought

Today, I began re-visiting some of my favorite blogs. One of the first, because it was near the top alphabetically, is Beth's Craft Shop. I had noticed once before, on her site, that she had not only listed my blog as a fave of hers, but she had linked to a particular post, Flower Power, from almost two years ago. I clicked on it, and re-visited my own blog and that old post. I re-discovered some truths that I had discovered back then, and I am so happy to be reminded of them.

Beth is a master crocheter and creator of character hats and character items. She has the knack of visualizing and creating from scratch, any cartoon or movie characters out there. She is amazing. She has some great photos in her shop (Beth's Craft Shop), showing examples of her work. On top of that, she is a marvelous person, while being an active and caring mom and wife. I am glad I re-visited her blog and I will be back there often.

The main thing I got from today's visit is that those of us who blog or write things in journals, are blessed because we can re-visit our own thoughts and epiphanies. Often in life, I find myself wondering where a thought came from. Of course, if it is a good thought, one that helps me on my path through life, I know it came from the Father. But the thought is useless if it is never thought of again. So I am very happy that I can go back through my own blog, and the blog posts of others, and re-discover the thoughts that make life easier, no matter how difficult it might seem at any given moment.

Thank you, dear Father, for the wisdom you've given me that guides me to write these thoughts down, and for the thoughts which others share, and thank you for your help in getting through each day.

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