Saturday, November 6, 2010

God's Time vs Daylight Savings Time

As I changed all the clocks tonight (do I really need all those clocks?), I thought about how agitated some folks have been on the news lately. Reporters have interviewed a lot of younger generational folks and they seem very angry about daylight savings time ending. They want it to continue. It annoys them to drive home from work in the dark. It annoys them that the days are shorter.

Good heavens. Don't they realize that nature rules? God rules? He set the seasons and the length of the days and nights in motion. I honestly feel he did it for a reason. In the summer, we toil. In the old days, we planted. Then we harvested while the days grew a bit shorter. Then we rested and did things inside the home, with our families, during the shortest days. After the winter solstice, if I am correct, the days once again begin to get longer, a bit at a time. Then Spring comes, and nature, and humans, re-awaken, energized, if things are done according to his plan, for the new seasons.

We can change that clock all we want. The days will still get shorter, and longer, in their own time. What a lot of us forget is that we are not in control. A being who is almighty, all-powerful, all-wise, is in control. Our lives are so much simpler when we roll along at the pace he sets.

I really do need all those clocks, though. My poor life is so hectic but so scheduled, so often, by time commitments, that I need to know what time it is whenever a thought occurs to me, whichever room I am in. But even with all those clocks, I, too, need to remember to try to rest according to his plan.

Dear Father, bless me, please, with the grace and wisdom to live according to your seasons and your timing and your plans, not according to those I have allowed myself to commit to; help me to see which you need me to do, instead of which I think I need to do.

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