Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CPR for Souls

There's not a one of us who doesn't have a time when, for a few moments (or longer), we feel our world is falling apart. Sometimes it is because of a very big issue. Other times, most often, it is because of a series of small issues, all dumped on us at once.

I had one of those times this morning. I had several small issues pile up together. I'm trying to heal from foot surgery not quite a week old. Yesterday's first checkup sent very well. I was feeling pretty optimistic. Today, a whole bunch of things went wrong.

Our satellite TV receiver is on the fritz. I've been threatened by a collection dept. for a small ($5) co-pay for medical that I overlooked. To get service to the TV receiver, I needed to clear a path in my cluttered home. I was out of milk.

These items alone would not have bothered me. However, after 3 tries on phone and one online, the co-pay issue was resolved but another surfaced - they had mis-applied my $110 co-pay payment of last Wednesday. It was already out of my bank, but nowhere on my medical account. I found that the trouble call for the satellite receiver would cost a visit fee because my warranty was out of date. They also wanted me to re-set the receiver by hand and also to unplug at the surge protector, each for half a minute, to see if that would resolve the issue. With me so wobbly on my one foot, that seemed like an impossibility. And, my nephew had forgotten to bring milk home when we got off duty at 3am which meant none of my fave cold cereal for breakfast.

Sitting at the computer, printing out proof that the surgical co-pay came out of my account, trying to figure how to get to that receiver without un-doing my surgery with a fall, and not having had my routine breakfast, suddenly I felt the tears.

I applied my own version of CPR for the Soul: Cry, Pray, Re-boot

C - I cried. I just let it happen for a few minutes. As a female, I felt no gender embarrassment in a few tears. Well, these were a few more than a few.

P - I prayed. I prayed one of my fave 2-line prayers, one I developed for times like this for myself:
Heavenly Father, up above
Fill my heart with peace and love.

R - I re-booted my soul. I took a deep breath, let out a sincere sigh, and re-booted my life, got on with it.

Bottom Line: I've printed my documentation for the medical payment and will do a letter tomorrow and mail it. The path cleared by a friend, to my satellite receiver, allowed me to do the two tests, and then call, once more, the company. They are shipping a new receiver, FedEx (bless their little hearts). They also explained how a simple $6 a month for one year would get me a lifetime (for our account) plan to avoid fees for either service calls or equipment. And the lady who cleared the path to the receiver brought me a half gallon of milk.

Dear Father, thank you for always being there to pick me up when I crumple into a heap at your feet. I do have faith in you and trust in you, but when things pile up, sometimes the pile is so high, I forget you are there for me; always fill me with the grace I need to see that you are there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Evie...my heart goes out to you! You are such a blessing sharing those hard times and especially how the Lord always is waiting to draw you back in and comfort you. Praise to Him that we all have the same invitation! Glad you have your tears dried and milk for your cereal! A better day already (" Blessings to you! Cathy